
2021-07-15 13:50:26



EMI全称Electromagnetic Interference,即电磁干扰,指电子设备在自身工作过程中产生的电磁波,对外发射并对设备其它部分或外部其它设备造成干扰。

EMS全称Electromagnetic Susceptibility,即电磁敏感度,指电子设备受电磁干扰的敏感程度。

EMC全称Electromagnetic Compatibility,即电磁兼容,要求模块电源等电子设备内部没有紧张的干扰源及设备或电源体系有较好的抗干扰能力。










Electromagnetic Interference Testing

Compliance with the United States, Canadian and European Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) rules and regulations is a legal requirement. Except for a very few exempt type of equipment, these regulations apply to any electronic equipment that utilizes or generates timing signals or pluses at a rate in excess of 9 kHz or any equipment designed to intentionally generate and emit RF energy by radiation or induction. EMC Testing is uniquely qualified to ensure that your product can meet these regulatory requirements.

Our engineers, state-of-the-art equipment and field test site assures the manufacturer of accurate product testing to comply with governmental EMI obligations. Our new 3 & 10 meter FCC registered open field test site was designed with the future in mind. It utilizes solid sheet steel ground plane design to provide low deviation field attenuation values in comparison with the theoretically perfect test site. EMC’s investment in solid construction of the test site and equipment means we are prepared for any potential changes in regulatory requirements. It also means the quality of our tests are second to none. Assistance in filing the necessary forms and documentation with the FCC can also be provided.

If necessary, EMC Testing can partner with Innovative Circuits of Corinth, MS to offer possible solutions and effective methods to bring your products into compliance with the legal limits of EMI. Our engineers have years of hands on experience troubleshooting emission failures and many times can fix it on the spot. EMC Testing will do all the work necessary to meet and exceed your expectations! Contact us today.
